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Garling St. @ Willagee
高档双层豪华住宅, 一楼配置独立套房非常适合来探亲游玩的亲戚朋友们。 地理位置优越, 属于著名Melville公立高中的学区房。 靠近海滩,不必长途跋涉就可以与您的家人朋友享受更多的愉快时光。 这套住宅设施齐全,可“拎包入住" 无论您是自住还是出租都帮您解决所有问题。 特点:...

Greig St @ Willagee
对珀斯地产未来几年的积极展望, 特别是随着经济的稳定、低利率和澳元汇率的疲软, 资本增长潜力很大。与悉尼和墨尔本相比, 珀斯房地产市场更实惠. 这栋豪华的双层别墅坐落在 Willagee 区, 景色令人惊叹!周围有良好的基础设施, 如购物中心, 超市, 学校,...

Greig St @ Willagee
Positive outlook for Perth landed property for next few years with high capital growth potential especially with the stable economy, low...

Lifestyle Villa @ Maddington
4卧室 + 2 卫浴间别墅 珀斯地产未来几年的积极展望, 特别是随着经济的稳定、低利率和澳元汇率的疲软, 资本增长潜力很大。与悉尼和墨尔本相比, 珀斯房地产市场更实惠。这座别墅的发展坐落在 Maddington 郊区, 它正准备发展成为一个区域服务中心。周围有良好的基础设施...

Villa @ Heights
这令人印象深刻的五现代设计别墅也坐落在 Maddington 郊区, 这是准备发展成为一个区域服务中心。4卧室 + 2 间浴室别墅距离 Maddington 火车站和中心购物中心只有很短的步行路程。这个精品的发展将为投资者提供良好的租金收入, 长期巨大的资本增长。

Villa @ Heights
This impressive five modernly designed villas are also located in Maddington suburb which is poised to grow into a regional service...

Garling St. @ Willagee
Premium double storey luxury home built on elevated land where you can enjoy the breathtaking views of the area from your room to unwind...

Lifestyle Villa @ Maddington
4 bedroom + 2 bathroom Freehold Landed Property! Positive outlook for Perth landed property for next few years with high capital growth...

Prestige Villa @ Maddington

Prestige Villa @ Maddington
This boutique development consists of five quality built villas situated at a growing suburb with new developmental plans from the local...
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